Lifecycle of a DAO

  • Capital Allocation: Funds are directed toward projects and liquidity.

  • AI-Guided Decisions: AI evaluates opportunities and advises on investments.

  • Liquidity Management: Tokens are actively traded with AI balancing supply and demand.

Mathematical Model:

ROI=k=1MRkII×100%ROI = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^{M} R_k - I}{I} \times 100\%
ROI: Return on investmentRk: Revenue from investment kI: Initial investment capital ROI\text{: Return on investment} \newline R_k\text{: Revenue from investment } k \newline I\text{: Initial investment capital}

Phase 3: Governance and Asset Management

  • Proposal Evaluation: AI scores proposals for token holders to review.

  • Voting Mechanisms: Community votes with optional AI recommendations.

  • Transparency: Dashboards display fund performance in real-time.

Mathematical Model:

V(p)=j=1QwjsjV(p) = \sum_{j=1}^{Q} w_j \cdot s_j
V(p):Weighted score of proposal pwj:Weight of criterion jsj:Score of proposal p on criterion jV(p): \text{Weighted score of proposal } p \newline w_j: \text{Weight of criterion } j \newline s_j: \text{Score of proposal } p \text{ on criterion } j

Phase 4: Profit Distribution and Lifecycle Renewal

  • Profit Sharing: Returns distributed proportionally to token holders.

  • Reinvestment Options: Token holders can reinvest in new DAO cycles.

  • AI Evaluation: Insights provided for improving future DAO performance.

Mathematical Model:

Di=Hii=1NHiPD_i = \frac{H_i}{\sum_{i=1}^{N} H_i} \cdot P
Di: Distribution amount for holder iHi: Holdings of holder iP: Total profit to be distributedD_i: \text{ Distribution amount for holder } i \newline H_i: \text{ Holdings of holder }i \newline P: \text{ Total profit to be distributed}

Last updated