Capital Allocation: Funds are directed toward projects and liquidity.
AI-Guided Decisions: AI evaluates opportunities and advises on investments.
Liquidity Management: Tokens are actively traded with AI balancing supply and demand.
Mathematical Model:
ROI=I∑k=1MRk−I×100% ROI: Return on investmentRk: Revenue from investment kI: Initial investment capital Phase 3: Governance and Asset Management
Proposal Evaluation: AI scores proposals for token holders to review.
Voting Mechanisms: Community votes with optional AI recommendations.
Transparency: Dashboards display fund performance in real-time.
Mathematical Model:
V(p)=j=1∑Qwj⋅sj V(p):Weighted score of proposal pwj:Weight of criterion jsj:Score of proposal p on criterion j Phase 4: Profit Distribution and Lifecycle Renewal
Profit Sharing: Returns distributed proportionally to token holders.
Reinvestment Options: Token holders can reinvest in new DAO cycles.
AI Evaluation: Insights provided for improving future DAO performance.
Mathematical Model:
Di=∑i=1NHiHi⋅P Di: Distribution amount for holder iHi: Holdings of holder iP: Total profit to be distributed