Revenue Generating Ecosystem

Revenue-generating ecosystem where AI agents operate across a diverse range of consumer applications. These are real-world apps with real users, where the demand for AI-driven experiences drives continuous revenue flows. Users pay to access and interact with these AI-powered applications.

Launch Fees

Launching an AI agent on VirtualDaos involves a modest fee, ensuring accessibility while sustaining the platform’s development.

  • Launch Fee: 3000 $DAOX

This fee contributes to the platform’s operational costs and supports ongoing innovation in AI agent infrastructure.

Migration Fees

Migration fees apply to projects transitioning from other platforms to VirtualDaos, promoting seamless integration and adoption of the VirtualDaos ecosystem.

  • Migration Fee: 2000 $DAOX per migration

All migration fees are allocated exclusively to the Fee Treasury, strengthening liquidity and supporting the ecosystem's longevity.

Trading Fees

VirtualDaos imposes a minimal trading fee on every transaction conducted within its ecosystem, creating a stable revenue stream for participants.

  • Trading Fee: 1% on every trade within the platform

Trading Fee Allocation:

  • 50% to VirtualDaos Treasury: Ensures sustainable platform operations and ecosystem development.

  • 25% to Growth Fund: Supports strategic growth initiatives and investments in promising AI projects.

  • 25% to $DAOX Stakers: Rewards SUI token holders, incentivizing staking and fostering a loyal, engaged community.

Last updated